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6. Did the Maya invent football?

6. Did the Maya invent football?

A lesson for KS2 exploring the Maya ballgame known as pok-ta-pok - including a detailed lesson plan, Powerpoint and printable activity sheets.

This lesson is part of our popular Maya Topic Lesson Pack for KS2.


Lesson: Did the Maya invent football?

In this lesson, pupils will look at sources that give us information about the Maya ballgame pok-ta-pok. Children will learn about how the sport was played and how it linked to cultural, political and religious affairs. Pupils will have the chance to play the game and to take on one of the optional research challenges. Then pupils will choose a familiar modern sport for a comparison activity.



  • To explore what historical evidence shows us about Maya ballgames

  • To compare a Maya ballgame to familiar modern-day sports

  • File Format

    This resource is a zipped file containing:

    Lesson Plan and Resource Sheet (PDF file)

    Lesson Slides (both Powerpoint and PDF version included)

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