The Romans Instructions Unit contains a two-week unit of work for Year 3/4, based on reading and writing instructional texts. Pupils will make a chocolate Roman road and then create instructions to become a Roman gladiator champion!

Romans Instructions Unit Planning Pack
This is a ten-lesson unit of work based on reading and writing instructional texts. It is intended for lower Key Stage Two and follows objectives based on the 2014 National Curriculum. Many schools choose to use this text alongside the Romans history topic, although the plans are also designed to work as a standalone unit if required.
The ten lessons in this unit aim to give children the opportunity to understand the features of instructions as a genre. In the first week, children will engage with the text type by following instructions to make edible Roman roads out of biscuits, chocolates and custard! There is also a grammar focus on using prepositions and imperative verbs. In the second week, pupils will use drama to develop ideas and extend their vocabulary. They will then plan their own set of instructions about becoming gladiator champions and they will then have the opportunity to draft, edit and present their final written outcome.
The English objectives covered in this unit are:
To give and follow verbal instructions
To use prepositions
To read and follow written instructions
To identify how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning
To use a range of imperative verbs
To prepare a group performance
To make a plan for my writing
To write my own instructions
To edit my writing
To make decisions about how to present my writing
See also...
Instructions Unit (Romans)
Planning Pack