Stone Age to
Iron Age
Curriculum Ideas

Make a Stone Age necklace (there are instructions here)
Stone Age cave art (check out our free lesson plan here)
Mix up natural paints (instructions here)
Represent Stone Henge using pastels or collage materials (we like this idea)
Celtic designs from the Iron Age

Make a multimedia presentation about aspects of life in the Stone Age
Write a sequence of instructions to program a robot to move round a giant map of a hillfort
Make an animation of one of the many Stone Age story books

Design & build a biscuit Stone Henge (check out our Stone Henge lesson plan for instructions)
Make some comfortable clothes for Ug from the book Ug: Boy Genius of the Stone Age
Design & make an Iron Age roundhouse.
Build a prehistoric shelter. Evaluate the materials and construction
Design & create a blanket for the baby from the book Cave Baby
Find out about the invention of the wheel and build a moving cart
Make a woolly mammoth model out of a milk carton (find the instructions in our 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth' Planning Pack)

Find out where the best places to build Iron Age settlements are and why
Make maps of surviving UK monuments from the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages
Find out about the settlement of Skara Brae
Make a visitor's guide to Stonehenge
Make a giant map of an Iron Age hillfort for your programmable robot

Find out about changes from the Stone Age to the Iron Age
Follow the KS2History scheme of work for Stone Age to Iron Age

Create your own narrative based on Stone Age Boy (see the KS2History Stone Age Boy planning unit)
Write non-chronological reports about an aspect of prehistoric life
Write instructions for How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth (see the KS2History Woolly Mammoth planning unit)
Create a visitor guide to Stone Henge.
Create a newspaper report about the discovery of Skara Brae
Write book reviews for a book about the Stone, Bronze or Iron Age (check out our book reviews to get you started)

Map out a prehistoric settlement like Skara Brae on a grid using co-ordinates
Design a prehistoric counting system (like this Nrich challenge)
Work out how many years ago the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages were
Make an accurate model of Stone Henge using scale
Compare the lengths and heights of different prehistoric animals
Weigh different rocks or fossils and record in a graph
Investigate the circumferences of different stone circles

Find out about prehistoric musical instruments
Research Stone Age musical stones and have a go at making your own set
Create and perform raps about Stone Age life
Make up your own lullaby to sing to the baby from the book Cave Baby
Compose music for a journey through a cave

Investigate the rock cycle (we suggest this crayon rock cycle idea)
Find out about how fossils are formed
Investigate materials: stone vs. bronze vs. iron
Learn about different layers of soil (here is a great activity)
Investigate the best material for new trousers for Ug for the book Ug: Boy Genius of the Stone Age
Learn about prehistoric animals and their food chains
Use caves as a starting point for learning about light and shadows (you could make shadow puppets of prehistoric animals)